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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

HOW-TO Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed In Less Than 5 Minutes...

HOW-TO Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed In Less Than 5 Minutes...

I have a quick question to ask you... "do you know How-To set up your own BLOG and RSS Feed so you Too can take advantage of all the benefits Blogs and RSS(Real Simple Syndication) have to offer you and your business?"

If you answered NO, your not alone.

I didn't either at one time, but that didn't stop me from finding out How-To on my own.

So basically, what I'm trying to say is by the time you finish reading this article you'll be a master at setting up your own Blogs and RSS Feeds in a matter of minutes by simply following my simple 'Step-by-Step' instructions below.

With that said, Buckle Up, put your thinking cap on, grab yourself a beverage and get ready to learn...

"HOW-TO Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed In Less Than 5 Minutes..."

Know lets go to Step #1.

Step #1. Go set-up an account with Blogger.com.

This is probably the easiest part of all, which is simply setting up an Blogger.com account at http://www.blogger.com.

Go there right now. It will take you to Blogger.com's homepage.

Once there, you'll see an orange arrow pointing to the right that says..."Create Your Blog Now" ... click on it.

That's Step #1.

Step #2. Creating your account with Blogger.com.

If you thought Step #1 was easy than Step #2 will be a breeze.

Simply select a Username and Password that you'll remember followed by your Email Address.(You don't have to use your primary email address, you can use a Free web-based email account like Hotmail or Yahoo! if you like. Your choice.)

Then check the box that says "I accept the Terms of Service".

Now proceed by clicking on the orange arrow that says... "Continue".

That's Step #2.

Step #3. Naming your Blog.(Very IMPORTANT!)

Now, depending on what your Blog is about your going to want to use your target 'Keywords' within the name of your Blog, its description and the URL.

And there's a good reason for this simply because this is what the Search Engine spiders are going to see first.

They'll first see them within your Blog name which is at the top of your Blog that your visitors see, they'll see them within your description of your Blog and then they'll see them within your Blog URL that you choose.

Why is this SOoooo important?

By using your 'Target Keywords' within those areas I just outlined, thats what the SE's will use to index your Blog under so when someone does a search for those target keywords, guess whose Blog will pop-up within the results depending on your competition?

That's right, Yours!

The SE's will also use those area's I outlined for your SE listing within there results index.

Here's an example for a quick 'Case-Study' for you.

This is one of my Blogs I have.

Go to: http://internet-marketing-tactics.blogspot.com

You'll notice my Blog title, description and URL all have the 'Keyword Phrase'... Internet Marketing Tactic.

To take this a step further, I want you to go visit these search engines MSN, Yahoo! and AlltheWeb and type in "internet marketing tactics" within there search boxes so you can see where my Blog sits within those SE's so you can see the importance of having your Target keywords within those area's I mentioned earlier.




In the MSN SE results my Blog is #1 for that keyword phrase, in Yahoo! I'm #11(not bad) and in AlltheWeb I'm #18.

Of course these positions will very in time but just as long as you get the point of WHY you need to use your Target keywords within those 3 areas.

Lets move on.

Now, your last step for Step #3 is to simply type in the 'Verification Code'.

Once you've done that, click on the orange arrow below that says... "Continue".

Step #4. Choosing your template.

If everything went well in Step #3 and that Blog name you chose isn't taken you should be looking at a bunch of Blog templates Blogger.com offers.

Simply select the one you like most and then click "Continue".


You just created your first Blog and completed Step #4.

You should now be looking at an orange arrow that says... "Start Posting". Click on it and it'll take you to where you can start posting whatever it is you want.

Now that you have set-up your Blog your probably wondering... "where does RSS fit into this formula?"

Step #5. Locating your RSS Feed URL.

What can I say, I always leave the Best for last.

Assuming your still within the Blogger.com 'Posting' area you'll notice a bunch of tabs at the top labelled, Posting, Settings, Template and View Blog.

Click on the 'Settings' tab.

This will take you to a sub-menu with a bunch of other options.

Out of all those options click on the one that says... "Site Feed".

And there it is.

It should look something like this:


This is the URL you'll want to use to promote your RSS Feed with to the RSS search engines and directories so that everytime you make a post, the RSS SE's and directories will be 'Automatically' notified and updated with your latest information bringing your Blog more exposure to your target audience.

That about sums it up for this tutorial, but, just before I go I'll leave you with a few articles I wrote earlier on RSS promotion to help you get the Most out of your Blogs and RSS Feeds.

Here are the links:




Now that you are armed with this information that I just revealed to you, you should have no problem setting up and getting the MOST out of your Blogs and RSS Feeds

Carpool to Save the Environment and Reduce Traffic while Saving Money

Apakah Anda lelah kemacetan lalu lintas, peningkatan polusi udara dan pernahkenaikan harga bahan bakar? Apakah Anda ingin melakukan sesuatu tentang semuaini?

Sekarang Anda bisa dengan membentuk sebuah carpool. Indimoto telahmeluncurkan sebuah situs otomatis Indimoto.com baris yang juga pertama carpoolIndia situs yang cocok. Sebuah carpool atau rideshare adalah suatu pengaturandimana orang-orang berbagi kendaraan mereka dengan carpoolers lain danbepergian bersama-sama. "Tujuan belakang Indimoto.com adalah untuk membangunsebuah situs otomatis baris di mana pengguna dapat membeli dan menjual mobildan sepeda, auto produk dan jasa, cari untuk acara otomatis, klub otomatis dancarpools. layanan carpool pencocokan kami adalah yang pertama dari jenisnya diIndia dan melalui itu kita ingin mengaktifkan komuter untuk dengan mudahmembentuk carpools dan menikmati manfaat, sementara kontribusi untukpenyelamatan lingkungan "kata Udit Bhandari, pendiri & CEO Indimoto.com.

Menurut Udit "Carpools membuat banyak akal karena Anda menyimpan uangdengan berbagi biaya bahan bakar, biaya pemeliharaan kendaraan dan biaya parkir,Anda menyelamatkan lingkungan dengan menghemat bahan bakar dan mengurangigas buang berbahaya sementara mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas. Dengancarpooling Anda juga memperluas jaringan Anda teman / kontak ". Indimoto.commemungkinkan pengguna untuk mencari menawarkan carpool dan permintaan dalam / kota, dan juga mulai yang carpool sendiri dengan posting iklan gratis dalam bagiancarpool.

"Dengan berkembangnya tingkat polusi udara di kota-kota metro kami, kemacetanmanik lalu lintas dan meningkatnya beban harga BBM pada dompet komuter itu,hanya ada dua alternatif, angkutan umum atau carpools. prasarana transportasiumum belum menjadi alternatif yang nyaman dan logis untuk transportasi swastauntuk komuter perkotaan dan di sanalah carpools masuk Juga carpoolsmenghasilkan rasa komunitas dan merawat lingkungan Anda "kata Udit. Carpoolsadalah fenomena umum di negara maju sering didukung oleh kota dan pemerintahnegara bagian untuk banyak keuntungan yang mereka tawarkan. Indimoto.com telahmengambil inisiatif di India ingin membuat kebiasaan di antara komuter India.

Seeing The Invisible With Infrared Cameras

Every day, cameras capture some of the most breathtaking sights on earth. The ripple of water as it cascades down cliffs, a fire engine-red rose in full bloom, a leaf floating on a puddle - these images are preserved in memory and in colored prints, thanks to cameras. The same cannot be said of infrared cameras, however.

Infrared cameras do not capture images the way we see them in real life. In fact, the pictures that infrared cameras produce may even appear odd, disfigured, or even ugly. Some even think the random splashes of bright color indicate that the camera is broken. Once you understand how infrared cameras are used, however, these images begin to make sense, and even become beautiful in an indefinable way.

Somewhere Outside the Rainbow
Infrared light includes a range of radiation that we cannot see. Red is the brightest color on rainbows, and infrared radiation is just a little bit beyond it. On the other end, infrared radiation is positioned only a little bit below microwave radiation. For infrared light to be captured, nothing should block the object that is "viewing" the radiation. Infrared transmissions are used in audio and video remote controls, various detectors, and wireless connections between tools for computers.

Hot Pictures
The average Joe would find it hard to explain how infrared cameras are used. But really, the principle is simple. Its even akin to the principle behind the workings of a regular camera.

This is how infrared cameras are used. An infrared camera captures an object's black-body radiation. A body emits this radiation due to temperature. The warmest infrared colors are usually white. Middle temperatures are colored yellow and red, and the coolest temperatures are colored blue. Infrared cameras work in pitch black because the amount of light surrounding objects is irrelevant. This, as well as other features, makes them ideal for several functions.

Hot Bodies
You may still be a little confused over how infrared cameras are used, but there's no doubt you've seen one of its most practical applications. Infrared cameras are used to save lives. People and other mammals usually give off more heat than their environment. This tendency becomes even more pronounced at night. Infrared cameras can be used to look for people and animals lost or trapped in places such as thick forests, areas beneath avalanches and collapsed structures, and huge bodies of water.

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Infrared cameras may also be useful in search and rescue operations. To illustrate how infrared cameras are used in this case, imagine a typical raging inferno. As flames lick up houses one at a time, firefighters often have to walk through areas where visibility is nearly zero. This is where specially designed infrared cameras come handy. Built to endure extreme temperatures, these cameras help firefighters spot fire victims, as well as areas where fire still rages. The camera's display is attached to the brim of a firefighter's helmet, for easy access to information.

Fire, Ice, and Bodies
On other occasions, infrared cameras are used to search people, rather than to search for them. In the medical field, high-speed infrared pictures allow physicians to examine patients for extreme cooling or heating of the body. These changes indicate medical problems, among them cancerous tissues, abnormal circulation, and inflammation.

Don't Drink Water If It Gets Cooler
Infrared cameras may also be used to study the causes of medical problems. To better understand how infrared cameras are used in this context, let's focus on drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, notes that polluted drinking water and surface water is one of the United States' gravest environmental problems. Infrared cameras are often used to monitor stormwater drainage systems that flow into rivers, streams, creeks, and lakes. The cameras contrast the flow of non-water liquids, which is generally warmer than the flow of water, with water. The cameras quickly scan the region, including regions that would be difficult to access without infrared cameras. Then, they indicate the problematic areas on a digital map.

There is no doubt technology continues to improve our lives, and the infrared camera is no exception. It shows us what is otherwise invisible and gives hope when there is none.

in Web Development

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Distance Education

Distance Education has traversed four to five 'generations' of technology in its history.These are print, audio/video broadcasting, audio/video teleconferencing, computer aided instruction, e-learning/ online-learning, computer broadcasting/webcasting etc. Yet the radio remains a very viable form, especially in the developing nations, because of its reach. Australian children in extremely remote areas have been participating in the "School of the air" since the 1940s using 2 way radio. In India the FM Channel is very popular and is being used by universities, to broadcast educational programs of variety on areas such as teacher education, rural development, programs in agriculture for farmers, science education, creative writing, mass communication, in addition to traditional courses in liberal arts, science and business administration. The increasing popularity of mp3 players, Pads and Smart Phone has provided an additional medium for the distribution of distance education content, and some professors now allow students to listen or even watch video of a course as a Pod cast. Some colleges have been working with the U.S. military to distribute entire course content on a PDA to deployed personnel

Designing instruction for distance education (DE) requires understanding the meaning of distance education and its objectives, the stages that distance education passed through, the media and their characteristics, and the main issues in distance education. The importance of defining the meaning of distance education is that it may provide a good starting point to recognize its elements.

Distance education is more than education at a separation between the students and the teachers. It has principles that make it always in a formal shape so it can't be in one way of communication. The students and teachers involve in the process in manner way. They participate in unphysical methods by using of the technology in the education. In brief, in the distance education main idea is the communication between the students and the teachers happens in separate places. In this type of education the environment is Learner Centered Environment so the role of teacher become as directing the student.

There has always been a lot of debate as to whether an online college education is as good as a traditional college education. The answer to this is quite simple; there are good institutions that offer an online college education and there are bad establishments that offer an online college education. So, you need to do your research in the same way when you are looking for the best place to pursue your online college education with as you would an offline course. Of course you are not going to particularly bother finding out about the location of the colleges that offer an online college education because it really doesn't matter. However, a lot of the other points that you would consider before attending a college should also be taken into consideration before you enrol with an organisation offering an online college education.

The growth in the numbers of people pursuing an online college education has led to increased competition amongst institutions to attract students. The best way to assess the credibility of a site advertising the best online college education is to ask about the accreditation of its courses. Accreditation means that a governing body for a particular field has endorsed the course and this is extremely important in helping you to decide who to trust with your online college education. If a course is not accredited then you need to find out why.

may be a number of courses that have not yet received accreditation from an appropriate association or governing body but still offer a good online college education. For example, the establishment may have applied for accreditation but not yet been assessed, in which case you can actually check with the particular body that they are in the process of assessing the application for accreditation. Another reason may be that there is no appropriate body that the course can be accredited to. This is less likely but is, nevertheless, a valid reason and does not indicate that the course offered is not going to be worth taking to advance your online college education. If, however, you find that the online college education institution has been refused accreditation they are likely to try to tell you that accreditation is not important. This is quite simply untrue. An online college education from a non-accredited institution is not going to be viewed as highly as one from an establishment that is accredited. Choose where you gain your online college education from with care to ensure that you are not wasting your time and money by having an almost worthless qualification.

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